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Foshan Wobo Management Services CO.,Ltd.

158-0008-7775 0757-22177500



发布者: 沃博    时间:2022-09-12 18:10:23


1For supervisory and management level positions, is applicant information  

YES              NO

        (employment history, references, etc.) verified prior to employment? 在雇用前,管理人员是否对核实申请者的资料(如工作


2 Are background checks performed for prospective employees?有希望被录用的人员是否会实施背景调查   YES              NO

Do the background checks and investigations include the following? 背景核实和调查是否包括以下部分

        (Select all that apply):选择所有适用的

            Criminal Background Check 犯罪背景调查

            Financial Background/Credit Report Check财务背景/信用信誉调查

            Educational Achievement Check 教育背景调查

            Motor Vehicle/Driver History Check 车辆/驾驭员背景调查

            Residency/Citizenship Verification Check 地址/公民身份的调查

            Drug and Alcohol Testing 吸毒和酒精测试

            None of the above 以上部分一个也没有实施

            Other [Indicate]其它(说明)    

3.Are periodic background checks performed for current employees?是否对现有的工人进行定期的背景调查

  YES              NO

        If yes, how often? 如有,多久一次

            Once per month or more 每月一次或更多

            Every 1-3 months 每1-3个月一次
            Every 3-6 months每3-6个月一次
            Every 6-12 months每6-12个月一次

           Less than once a yea至少一年一次

4 .Are background checks performed for regularly contracted third party service providers?背景调查是否由第三机构有规则地实施

YES              NO

5. Is there a procedure in place for assigning new employees access?是否有制订程序以分配新员工的进出YES              NO

6 .Are there procedures in place to remove identification from terminated employees, and discontinue their access to facility

and systems?是否制订程序以识别、驱逐已离职的员工和已废止进出工厂/系统的人员  YES              NO


1 Does the facility have physical barriers and deterrents that guard against unauthorized access?工厂是否设置了围墙和派驻保安

威慑以防止未经授权的人员进出  YES              NO

2 Is there a wall or fence around the cargo handling and container storage area?在货物处理和货柜存放区域周围是否设有围墙/围栏

。 YES              NO

3 .Are walls or fences used to separate the Packing / Shipping area? 包装/出货区域是否有围墙/围栏分隔YES              NO

4 .Is hazardous cargo labeled and stored separately? 危险品是否标示和分隔存放YES              NO

5 .Are security guards employed? 工厂是否雇用保安    YES              NO

        If yes, times on duty: 如有,值班时间是          to    

6 .Do security personnel patrol the Packing / Shipping area? 保安人员是否会巡逻包装/出货区域      YES              NO

If yes, how often? 如有,多久一次   

7 .Are structures inspected and maintained? 建筑物是否会检查和维护   YES              NO

8 .Do the following areas have power lighting? 以下区域是否有电力照明

  Entrances and Exits 出入口

YES              NO

Cargo Handling and Storage Areas 货物处理和贮存区域    

YES              NO

          Fence Lines and Parking Areas 围墙四周和包装区域

  YES              NO

9 Are adequate locking devices used to protect external and internal doors, windows, gates and fences?是否有足够的锁具以保护


  YES              NO

10 Does management or security control the issuance of all locks and keys? 是否由管理人员/保安人员控制所有锁和锁匙的发放

  YES              NO

11 Does the facility possess gates or gatehouses to monitor and/or control access to facility premises?


  YES              NO

12 Are gates through which vehicles and/or personnel enter and exit manned and/or monitored? 通过大门的车辆或人员的进出是否受


  YES              NO

13 Does the facility have the following security measures in place?工厂是否设置以下安全措施 (Select all that apply选择所有适


              Burglar Alarm Systems 夜贼自动警报系统

              Motion Detectors 动作探测器

              Closed Circuit Television Systems闭路电视监控系统

              On-site Security Personnel 现场保安人员

              Periodic Patrols of Premises by Security 保安人员定期巡逻

              None of the above 以上部分一项都没有

              Other [Indicate] 其它(说明)   


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